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The Big Book AA's Step Four

The Big Book – AA’s Step Four

Individuals that are suffering, may find that the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous has practical applications for a multitude of issues. Some may even call it an antidote for the human condition, or even instruction on how to live a satisfyingly spiritually full lifestyle. Those of us coming into theRead More


Forgiveness is a word that carries a great deal of weight to it, especially if you are a parent of an addicted loved one. Some questions that may cross a parent’s mind include: Am I obligated to forgive? Does forgiveness mean I forget what he or she did? Is forgivenessRead More

My Journey With My Addicted Granddaughter

My granddaughter has struggled for 7 years with substance abuse. This is including one previous stint in a rehab from which she was terminated, three detoxes and several visits to the county jail. She recently graduated from a yearlong rehab program and is now employed as an admissions assistant thereRead More

Spirit, Mind, Body

Disengaging from the twisted narrative of a loved one struggling with addiction can seem insurmountable. Instinctively, when someone close to us falls, fails, or finds themselves in the grips of mental/emotional illness or disease, our first reaction is often to dive in headfirst and become a human life preserver. Unfortunately,Read More