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How long is the journey?

How long is the journey?

“They knew they were pilgrims… so they committed themselves to the will of God and resolved to proceed.”  -William Bradford Occasionally someone will ask me, “How long do you think you’ll need to attend/facilitate a PAL meeting?” After eight years it is probably a reasonable thing to wonder. Having spentRead More

We Needed Support Too

The first time we met with treatment counselors, we were trying to determine what type of program we were going to put Jonathon in. Because this was his first incident, we had no idea what we were up against. I mean, all teenagers experiment right? Their frontal lobe isn’t fullyRead More

Human Nature

Human nature, it would seem, can be innately self-centered. Not necessarily in the sense of a child throwing a fit when they don’t get what they want; but in the way that our thoughts tend to be geared inward, toward ourselves when left unchecked. In recovery, I’ve found gratitude andRead More

My Personal Bill of Rights

There are any number of ways to look at the topic of boundaries; many are helpful, and some are confusing.  One of the more useful tools I use with my clients when discussing boundaries is the “My Personal Bill of Rights” handout. Below is a copy with some follow-up questionsRead More