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On letting go

On letting go

Control. It’s one of the more stubborn facets of our human psychology and thought processes. So often we slip into believing the idea that somehow, someway, by some stretch of the imagination there IS A WAY we can ultimately direct the behavior of others. While we can certainly be encouragingRead More

Progress not Perfection

Parents come to PAL or other support groups usually after suffering a tremendous amount of stress, fear and struggle. Once they reach this point of defeat, they seek support, and what they usually find is that their awareness grows quickly and immensely. Many feel “I can’t believe I didn’t findRead More

A simple, small act of kindness

Mired in the disease of addiction, my life felt meaningless. It felt hollow, without purpose or direction. At my lowest moments, with my scarred face, dirty clothes, and overall negative demeanor and energy, it didn’t surprise me when people looked the other way as we passed each other on theRead More

Learning to accept my kids’ resistance to change

My husband and a share a blended family of nine children and 11 grandchildren. My oldest three each struggle with addiction and its impact. My oldest son is a sweetheart and always puts others before himself. In one moment, however, he made a very bad choice that changed our livesRead More